Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lets Laugh All the Way Of Our Life...

Ever heard of someone saying "Laugh, is the best medicine"? ....then, laugh more as you walk through all your life..

When you feel lonely, laugh crazily until the sound of your laugh fills the loneliness ....
When you feel not accepted, laugh crazily and loud until they hear you exists....
When you having trouble, laugh crazily until the worries gone and you feel sober enough to plan a new strategy of overcoming your problem...

When you are brokenhearted, laugh crazily until you can release all the pain out and leave a new sacred heart ...
When you are sad, laugh crazily until the tears become the tears of happiness...
When you feel angry, laugh crazily and louder so that you will not punch or kick other on their head/committed in quarrel..
When you feel happy, laugh crazily so that people surround you knows that there is still blessings given for all....

When you are crazy of someone that makes your heart beat faster, PLEASE DON'T laugh crazily in front of her/him..otherwise, your date will become a disaster; she/he will run out of the table/cinema because she/he think that you are really CRAZY...



  1. bila baca post ini teringat satu lagu...even though it hurts i will smile ...gwencanayo...! it's orait...

    thanks pare for this post..i tot i was crazy to keep reminding myself everytime i am sad..everytime i feel crazy...and everytime i get angrt..just smile or laugh it off....!! gwomeyo...gamsahamnida...! treat you a bottle of soju nanti ya...! :P

  2. iya betul itu.. especially bab ketawa saja apabila geram, biar sampai air mata m'alir keluar.. lambat laun akan feel better juga tu.. cleansing process la kata kan..

    jane, saya pun mau join juga la kalau ada soju nanti, bole ka? hehehe

  3. flo...bulan 4 kita minum lihing saja lah di kk hahaha...might be goin there ...ada kursus..!

  4. hehehe.. soup ayam masak lihing la ni kali.. yeeha! hopefully i'll be in kk when ur here.. =)

    warning: studies have proven that laughter is contagious.. therefore, laugh at ur own risk! bwahahaha! *mcm org gila ni, hehehe*

  5. tiapa....laughter can also kurus kan badan...exercise perut....!! hahahaa..dgr kabar korang sudah bersoju mlm tadi...

  6. bnyk faedah ketawa crazily neh..boleh kuruskan badan <--mmg berkesan, boleh release tension juga neh, dan mcm2 lagi...paling best, mmg itu laughter contagious..that's the best part of laughter...

    oh yeahh...Mare Jeng, semalam pigi try soju..sudah praktis, jd bule suda la "mari kita minum sampai mabuk malam ini" di kuria <--selagi terdaya..semalam lepas minum soju, terus rasa cepat mengantok plak..hahaha..lepas minum ice-blended yam yoyo, baru rasa segar balik..hahahaha

  7. iya semlm ada b'soju tapi ntah kenapa saya mcm tida brp suka rasa dia, rasa mcm sedang minum spirit pula.. hehe

    baru semlm saya tau kamu semua ada projek pigi korea.. ambil byk2 gambar ya! hehe

  8. mcm minum spirit kah flo?hmm...boleh lah adegan membersihkan badan dengan spirit kan pare hahah...!!tapi jgn buat malu nanti di tengah2 seoul pelancong malaysia mabuk di tepi jalan hahahaha...

  9. hehehe, ya jane, to me kan, itu bau soju mcm spirit.. kali saya tida biasa dgn liquor..
    hahaha! eh, experience mcm tu la yg last a lifetime kan? yg penting, no regrets. so, go go go! :p
