Monday, June 25, 2012

Aku sakit kepala

Tajuk tak berapa tepat dengan blog pada pagi ini. Entah kenapa, tapi itulah la yang muncul di dalam kepalaku.  Pagi ini, aku bangun dengan keadaan yang agak tidak stabil. Kepala ku masih sakit dari semalam. Entah bagai nak pecah kepala ku semalam. Nak tahan, tak mampu, jadi apa yang aku buat adalah, mandi diawal pagi. Aku menyiram kepala ku dengan air dan membiarkan ia selama beberapa minit. Kemudian, bila suda terasa reda kesakitannya, aku terus mencapai tuala dan membalut kepalaku. Kemudian, aku baring semula. Tidak beberapa lama kemudian, sakit itu datang lagi..”Aigoo..wae?..wae?…..” rengus hatiku..Aku semakin hilang rasa sabar. Aku lalu bangun dari tidurku dan keluar kearah dapur. Aku kemudian mencari ubat “panadol” dan mengambil satu dos “panadol soluble”. Kembali aku ke atas katil, rasa sakit itu mula reda beberapa minit kemudian. Dengan kesempatan yang ada, aku cuba untuk tidur dan aku berjaya. Oh yeahhhh…

Dalam aku baring, aku mula terasa loya dan sakit pada badanku khususnya pada bahagian tulang belakang, dan setiap sendi ku mula menjadi seperti “longgar”. Aku tidak mempedulikan semuanya dan terus menutup mataku. Selang beberapa masa kemudian,  “kokkk…kokkkkk..kokkkkkkk…okokkkkkk” bunyi jam loceng ku mengisi kesemua ruangan bilik tidurku.

“ah,,dah pagi rupanya” cetus hatiku. Aku kemudian cuba bangun, namun aku seperti tidak bermaya untuk menggerakkan kedua dua kaki ku. Aku cuba membuka mataku, namun “uhhhhhh…..”, itu sahaja yang mampu aku katakana bila merasakan kesakitan pada kedua dua biji mataku. Aku memaksa diriku untuk bangun, dengan sokongan sisi katil, aku cuba bangun dan kemudian terduduk sebentar di atas katil. Satu satu jari kaki dan tangan aku gerakkan…
“ibu jari?… yes…tekunjuk?...okey…jari tengah?..yeah.. tangan..”…aku mencuba utk menggerakkan setiap jari tangan ku, namun aku tersedak bila aku terasa sakit pada sendi tanganku bila cuba untuk menggerakkannya…

“wah…teruk sangat ka sakit neh?? Atau sakit malas nak pigi kerja?”… hahahaa…gurauan hatiku sendiri. Setelah berasa “okey”, aku bingkas bangun dan bersedia kerana jam sudah hampir menunjukkan 7.30am.

Sekarang aku rasa sangat sejuk dan menggigil…aku memakai jaket tebal ku dan masih lagi terasa sejuk pada tapak tanganku..  “Mesti kes demam neh…nahh…ada harapan minta M.C..” detik hatiku..
Tapi..kerja belum siap weiii….kawan, klu M.C, nanti gerenti akan tidak dapat selesaikan semua perkara untuk perundingan minggu hadapan. Habislah macam neh…. Tp aku minta M.C hari Selasa dan Rabu okey jugak kan..wakakakaka…. tengok la nanti... LOL. Kerja harus diutamakan beb!!! … Iya, betul tu ging….

**wujud dua personality di dalam perenggan diatas. Ada satu lawak nak share…

Situasi ini melibatkan dua kakitangan yang bertembung di pejabat.

Man1: Ging, sibuk nampak…
Man2: begini la neh..macam macam ad-hoc kena suruh buat.
Man1: Tapi aku tengok ko neh, busy melampau…tapi kerja klu ikut “persetujuan” tidak juga banyak sangat..
Man2: Apa bule buat la bos..Kalau suda kena suruh buat, buat saja la. Nanti klu tak buat, kena cop pula tidak ada kerjasama.
Man1: iya la..tapi aku tengok ko neh, macam tidak cukup jak sehari d opis.Tia cukup ka masa sehari untuk kasi habis tu kerja?
Man2:Memang tia cukup la ging. Kerja berapa jam saja satu hari, tolak masa makan, tolak masa sarapan, tolak masa taip dokumen, tolak masa cari bahan di internet dan library, tolak masa fotostat, tolak masa pergi tandas, tolak masa printing….nah, mana cukup bos..belum lagi tolak masa “mengular”….
Man1: masa mengular??...adoii…Man2…Man2…

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Turn out to be something

sleepy and pening early in the morning...
Don't know why these few days, really irritated by this sakit kepala. Not a migraine because I know I never have one. Headache, yes. I even experienced a heavy headache. Gosshhhh... really suffered with the pain. But this time, it felt "numb cum pain". Felt like "freezing" and "stopped" but with little beat. Last night, awaken by the pain and the pain was just come and go. Repeated until early morning, and I can't really sleep. And this morning, I was very sleepy and tired. After the excessive exercise I did and with the pain and also the lack of sleep-time, i went back this noon to sleep at home. I thought it make it better, but then, it only making it worst. Maybe, later on will go for a jog. Hopefully it will make this kepala feeling better... hehehe

hehehe...i made this to buang boring..kihkhikih

Monday, June 11, 2012

Put on the respect

Figure : created by owner
Sunrise..sunrise... how good to feel the warm ray of this morning. Yesterday, it was the hibernating day. It has been raining since early morning up till the evening. Last night, there is still drizzle and the wind blows really enough to make my eyes fall asleep.

Count today as a blessing, I was thinking about the word "RESPECT". I was first thinking of what have I done during the previous week. Inside the car, my mind merged with my emotion on trying to get an answer. 20 minutes passed and then when I stopped at the traffic light, I realized that I didn't have any answer for my own question. When I try to ponder more, the point lead to an answer that is "My Own Fault". 

For everything, I have been given choices of; "YES" or "NO", and most of the time I ended up "tangled" and it was my own fault. Yayy... sad and so frustrating. Darn me.. Upon all the excuses I made, is only leading me to escape myself from the problem but not to face it. I really "DONT HAVE THE RESPECT!"
Well, lets learn from our own mistake and,
Respect YOURSELF : and you will get the respect from others
Respect YOUR TIME : you will be discipline in managing your own time
Respect YOUR WORK : you will work continuously without mumbling
Respect YOUR  ELDER : you will get blessing by loves from them
Respect YOUR DECISION : you will not facing crisis to tackle a mistake
Respect YOUR PARTNER : you will get the same from him/her

To be short, never look down on small thing and learn first to respect all matter in your life..

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Confused again

Oh Wa by Sungmin SUJU

**The content of this blog is not related to the video ya..hehe..


image source : internet
Huhh....confused... I woke up this morning with a mixed feeling, and did extended minutes of sleeping after the wake-up-alarm and the alarm-snooze...Feeling so hard-burden to wake up for I just arrived last night. The holiday spent was marvelous and fun. Even only for few days on holiday, yet it was really a worth one. Feeling sad leaving family and friends who made my day, I drove back from kuching to miri before taking flight to KK. Missing u guys in kuching so much now...
Waking up today, only realized that it's already JUNE. Soooooo that fast liao...

image source : internet
After taking shower, in hurry, I pack all my things (not really all, that I didn't pack my laptop and external hardisk) inside the beg and then drive to office. As I reach the lobby, I walk inside and punch my card. With a fast view, I checked the time..but then, I stopped and stare again on the card. Huhhh....on the table-box of "06 June 2012", stamped the word "CUTI REHAT"...
Huhh???? .... I thought I applied leave up untill 5th of June?? 

Curious + Happy + Worry = NOW I AM CONFUSED

Curious = because I thought it is suppose to be 5th and not 6th
Happy = owwhh..means I can take another day off and continue my sleep..**evil laugh:hahaha
Worry = i might loss 1 day of my cuti rehat and later my leave-plan will ruined

CONFUSED is when all the emotion blended-in. 
I then call the person in-charge of our cuti. I'm scared that I have mistaken filling the leave application through online. After checked it, hehehehe..... today suppose to be in the office la pula rupa rupanya.. but then, I am already at, half-day leave la today..kihkihkih

Orite then..sambung tido and will wake up later to go to office before 2pm. muahahahaha..everytime after back from cuti, they is always ada ada saja cerita lawak..but, this one is lawak cerita after holiday this month..Ini la jadinya when cuti, everything including mind and body also cuti kecuali fb/blog/ym... hahahaha