Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Gonna keep it up

I was hit by these word "go heavy or go home!" ...haiya, so frustrated with myself that I can't fight the challenge. "Terguris noh hati ku" ...

 source: internet

 hahhaha..I was just kidding. Well, as far as I go, I think it has the up and down story about it. As far from now I feel that I am like "falling down with my back facing the ground and my face facing the point where I dream to be"... see the picture below..really love it now...

source: internet
  how I missed being up there and really missed the feeling of being there "last time". Hahahaha... I wish now, I can grow wing on my back so that it will help me to fly up or how I wish that I have the ability to stick on my hand and feet on the wall like the spider or the lizard so that I can climb up to the roof of the building.

source: internet

well, there is no shortcut in everything, though I know there is some for some specific things maybe..hahaha. But then, everything will costs you something. For everything, you need to pay for it. As other people said, no pain no gain.... keep it up dude!!! 

**I am now lack of pictures..I need to go out to take more pictures..yayyyy....